
可持续性研究 is an interdisciplinary concentration that draws from various disciplines to present students with the tools needed to become twenty-first-century leaders in sustainability. 促进气候正义, students must center the needs of marginalized communities and understand the complex, systemic injustices that have led us to this point: exploitation of the working poor, 医疗机构的压力, 虐待妇女, 人为的大灭绝, 环境恶化, extractive economic models and racialized disparities in access to clean air, 未受污染的饮用水, 绿色空间和健康饮食. This concentration is founded on the notion that climate justice intersects with racial, 社会和经济公正. Aligning its curriculum with internationally accepted standards for sustainable practices, the 可持续性研究 concentration will build networks for students, help them develop solutions to emerging and pressing problems, and imagine a better future for humanity.


Internationally recognized faculty in fields including English, 室内设计, 时尚管理, 宗教研究, 环境科学, 生物学, 社会学, 市场营销, 国际业务, 营养, 沟通的艺术, Criminal Justice and more collaborate with experts in fields of 农业, 林业, architecture and the arts to enrich the student experience. Their work coheres with the 校本 Mission, which compels us to recommit ourselves to the poor and disenfranchised, to be life-long learners who possess in-depth knowledge of the truth of our climate reality, to use faith and innovation to solve the environmental issues of today, 重视劳动的尊严, to revere Creation as a source of life, and to prioritize service with and for others.

可持续性研究 Concentration Degree Plan



  • ENGL 3371生态批评


  • At least one course (3 hours) from three of these five 校本 schools:
    • College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    • H-E-B School of Business and Administration
    • School of Math, Science and Engineering
    • 传媒与设计学院
    • 罗森博格验光学院
  • At least two courses (6 hours) at the 3000-4000 level
  • 学生 may enroll in any of the electives below or choose from a variety of other courses approved by the coordinator of the concentration. 令人兴奋的, novel courses are offered to keep students abreast of the latest changes in the quickly developing field of 可持续性研究.
  • CRJU 3332环境犯罪
  • engl1311l作文1
  • ENGL 1312/1312H成分II
  • 世界文学研究
  • 文学理论
  • 政府2350环境政治
  • 1300新兴领导人
  • LEAD 1350 Social Justice Leadership
  • PHIL 3385 Justice: Tradition and Transformation
  • PHIL 4350/ 450h生物伦理学
  • POLS 2350环境政治
  • RELS 3350 Environmental Theology and Ethics
  • 今天的天主教
  • RELS 3381/3381H Christianity and Global Justice
  • ACCT 3312 Intermediate Accounting II
  • 成本会计
  • BMGT 4380 Integrated Business Analysis and Decision Making I
  • BMGT 4381 Integrated Business Analysis and Decision Making II
  • 商业道德
  • BMKT 3331市场营销原理
  • 市场营销管理
  • ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
  • BIOL 1401 Diversity of Life and Laboratory
  • BIOL 1402 General 生物学 I for Majors and Laboratory
  • BIOL 1402L General 生物学 I for Majors and Laboratory
  • BIOL 1403 General 生物学 II for Majors and Laboratory
  • 生物学通报3342
  • ENSC 1410 Intro to 环境科学
  • ENSC 2105 环境科学 Seminar
  • ENSC 3340 Environmental Impact Assessment
  • ENSC 3410 Research in Soil Conservation
  • ENSC 3420H Human Dominated Ecosystems
  • ENSC 3420L Human Dominated Ecosyst Lab
  • ENSC 4315 环境科学 Research
  • ensc4371选题
  • ENSC 4460 Research in Water Quality
  • geo1401物理地质学
  • geol3450环境地质学
  • met1360气候学
  • met1430气象学
  • 恶劣天气
  • METR 3340水文
  • met3345统计气候学
  • METR 4315 Air Pollution Meteorology
  • NUTR 2400环境营养
  • NUTR 4460 Community and World 营养
  • FADS 2331平面图案
  • FMGT 2341纺织品
  • FMGT 3345 Sustainability in Fashion
  • FMGT 4350 Global Fashion Economics
  • INTD 3336 Environ Systems/Sustainability
  • 历史保护
  • INTD 4382 Wellness/Transparency/Intr Dsg
  • INTD 2325 Construction and Details
  • 内部材料
  • VISC 3291临床实习
  • VISC 3292 Integrated Ocular Science
  • VISC 4212 Public Health and Epidemiology
  • 眼部疾病
  • 临床实习II
  • VISC 4312 Ophthalmic Lenses and Optical Design
  • VISC 4322 Immunology and Eye Disease
  • VISC 4392临床实习


Considering the significance of sustainability to nearly all facets of human social relations, one could be forgiven for arguing that all careers are careers in sustainability. 更具体地说, certain sectors are experiencing sustained growth in the demand for those familiar with sustainable development practices, 包括新闻, 室内设计, 投资银行, 土木工程, 设施管理, 城市规划, 地方政府, 状态, 在联邦层面, 农业, 园艺, 广告, 运输, 和能源. There also are emerging career paths such as CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) and Environmental Ethicist. The 可持续性研究 concentration prepares students to imagine and achieve the job they want, as well as the flexibility to succeed across a variety of employment sectors.