Checklist for High School Juniors

The following steps will help you stay on track towards completing your college application:

  • Meet with your guidance counselor
  • Ensure you register for classes that will prepare you for college and your career
  • Consider options such as Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment courses
  • Talk to, or job shadow, those who work in your field(s) of interest
  • Begin your college search
  • Start studying for the SAT/ACT
  • Work hard in class to achieve and maintain good grades
  • Develop a list of colleges you would like to attend
  • Consider your preferred careers and the degrees that can get you there
  • Attend college fairs, information nights and campus tours
  • Plan your preferred SAT/ACT test dates (book in advance)
  • Continue studying for the SAT/ACT
  • Begin narrowing down your college choices
  • Note merit scholarship requirements for colleges of choice
  • Learn about the financial aid process
  • Identify scholarships for which you may qualify
  • Prepare your senior class schedule and ensure needed classes are included
  • Consider options such as Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment courses
  • Note application open dates and important application deadlines
  • Continue your scholarship search and begin applying where possible
  • Contact your letter of recommendation writers
  • Book campus tours and counselor visits at your top colleges
  • 访问 your top college (if you have not yet done so)
  • Work a summer job to gain experience and save money for college
  • Talk to friends or acquaintances who attend your preferred colleges
  • Organize your financial aid information
  • Take or retake the SAT and/or ACT
  • 应用 for college!